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Duplicate Variation Error

Sergi Tella


When I activate your plugin it shows an error. ¿How could I fix it?


Duplicate error.png

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Sergi,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

The issue is due to the server open_basedir restriction. The open_basedir is a server configuration, a security measure to disallow file access.

This restriction is defined by the PHP open_basedir variable for each domain separately. By default, open_basedir allows access to the tmp and domain’s document root directories.

You have to deactivate the open_basedir. Edit the php.ini file, or .user.ini that is located within the main directory of your site and add this line: open_basedir = none

Make sure to reach out to your hosting provider for more assistance with this if you are unsure how to handle this as they will be able to assist you more with these specifics.

Thank you