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Addition of variation images per size

Amit Katyal

We have two attributes  (size and color) per product and we make approx. 15 variations from two attributes :

Size : 28 | 30| 32 | 34 | 36  and Color : Blue | Black | Grey

Do we need to add images in all sizes of each color separately ?


is there any option to add images to one color and it gets reflected on all the sizes related to it ?


Hakik Zaman

Hi Amit,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Do we need to add images in all sizes of each color separately ?

Without adding images you can’t get the product image after selecting color and size on the frontend.

is there any option to add images to one color and it gets reflected on all the sizes related to it ?

You can set any color and any size and can add one image for each color and size. This option may be helpful for you if you want to make all possible matches.

Thank You