Hi Dave,
Unfortunately, the feature is not currently available.
But it’s a great idea. I’ll discuss this feature with my team.
In the meantime, please send the feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/
and ask your other to upvote it.
But you are familiar with the code you can try the below instructions-
Make a category to not display swatches and assign the category for those specific products. Then you can use the below snippet inside Code Snippet Plugin-
add_filter('wvs_pro_show_archive_variation_template', function($default){
global $post;
$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' );
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$product_cat_id = $term->term_id;
if( is_shop() && $product_cat_id == 45 ){
//here 45 is the category id
return false;
return $default;
I hope it will help. Hope to hear from you soon!
Disable swatches on archive / shop page for specific products
Dave Verzijl
I would like to disable “Show swatches on archive / shop page” for specific products because they have too many options. How do I do that?