Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Dan Goldsmith


We’ve began using your plugin on the site were currently developing.

The first issue we had was with the thumbnails not changing the main image on smaller device/screen sizes (in the stacked layout).
Playing with your options we fixed this by ticking the clear floats box.

Here is the site:

Here is the first product we’ve set up as a test with 3 thumbnail images to choose from;

The only thing i’m not keen on now is the bluryness of the thumbnail images, and I can’t see any option to increase this quality in your settings.

To be sure its not my image sizes that I’ve defined in my functions.php file, I’ve just set the WordPress image sizes back to default, and I performing an image regeneration as we speak.

If this doesn’t work can you advise on how we can improve this please?

Tanvirul Haque

Hello Dan Goldsmith,

Could you please follow this option https://prnt.sc/20ucomp
