Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

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Yug Gupta


Hope you are doing well. Loved your plugins.

I was using your variation plugin. It’s way too good. I’m loving it. There’s just one problem it’s creating for me.

There’s this clear written above the variations which is clashing with the price so it’s not looking good.

If you can help me, if would be really great.

If we can remove clear word altogether that’d work as well or if we can send it below.

As you’ll be able to see it’s creating a lot of empty space. If we can do something for both of them.

It’d just be swelll.😀

I can’t upload a photo here then it would have been more easy to understand

Hakik Zaman

Hello Yug,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Please use Lightshot and post the screenshot link here.

Could you please give your site link to check?

Thank you