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Quick view integration

Salam Emran,

Hope everything is alright, I have a question form you Bro:

I saw that there is an integration related to show the attributes in the quick view in tutorial section but when I check it it doesn’t include anything just a photo…. is it ready or still under development?

if it’s available how can I use it as there is nothing in this page just a photo of how it looks like and should I use a specific quick view plugin to use it?



Hakik Zaman

Hello Mahmoud,

Thanks for reaching out to us. The attributes on quick view depend on the theme.

Unfortunately, we have no feature to add or remove attributes on quick view.

is attribute available without our plugin? Hope to hear from you soon.


Hello Zman,


Yes, it’s available and we are using Electro theme which is compatible with your plugin, I have check that before with Erman…

if you checked your tutorial in the plugin you will find the quick view integration but it’s empty with nothing inside

Hakik Zaman

Hello Mahmoud,

We are very sorry for your inconvenience. Can you please share a link/URL of your quick view page? So that I can check the present condition of your quick view window. 🙂

Note: If your theme provides attributes dropdown on the quick view window and didn’t change any default hook; our swatches will definitely display. Sometimes theme developer updates their code for various reason.

Our plugin just converts WooCommerce default dropdown to color/image/button swatch etc.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Ok Zaman ..thank you it works now I have checked some steps and it works


Many thank Bro