Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

All-Import and additional variation image pro


i was wondering if there is any chance of adding product images directly to the variations using the wp all import plugin from soflyy. Right now it will add just one variation image the rest moves into the gallery. Is there a way to autmatically direct the images to your plgin instead of the default gallery?

best regards, Christian

Golam Kibria

Hi Christian,

We have support for the default export/import of WooCommerce.

BTW, our gallery plugin usage this meta: woo_variation_gallery_images

You can try adding images by using it.

Thank You

ok i got all the image ids in the csv-file to import. Within AllImport i add a custom field “woo_variation_gallery_images” and import the IDs but it is not working as i would expect it to work. Please see the attached screenshots, maybe you’re able to figure out my problem from there. Thank you very much, Christian

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Golam Kibria

Hi Christian,

Please try with the default import/export option of WooCommerce.

Manually add the gallery images with a product and export the product.

You will find the format there. You just have to add the image URLs.

Use a comma to separate images.

Thank You