Hello Mads,
Thanks for reaching out to us. What are you asking is the feature of WooCommerce itself.
Here is an explanation-
You have a product T-shirt. It has two variables- Color, Size.
Color– Red, Blue
Size– M, S
So, in WooCommerce variable product you have to create a combination of variables. For example-
Color: Red, Size: M
Color: Red, Size: S
Color: Blue, Size: M
Color: Blue, Size: S
So total 4 Combination.
Here is a youtube video for you- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaEbDsXuAc8
I hope it will clear your confusion
Can’t not just make one option in a 2 variations product.
Mads Degn
If I have products where there are some of the different variants that appear with only one option and some with 2. How do I build it then. I can only make it two if I put two variants on the products