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UX incompatibility between Swatches and Elementor

We are testing your Swatches plugin to be used in our site.

However, when its combined with our website setup (woocommerce + Elementor + Astra theme) it turns out that the user interface doesn’t work as expected.

See a regular product page: https://feebra.upgservicios.com/product/striped_merino_wool_throw_blanket_cloud_fogg/

See a page with color variations: https://feebra.upgservicios.com/product/plain-merino-wool-throw-blanket-gray-cloud/

Is it possible to fix:

  • Not show main product image when you choose a color
  • Add to cart button?
  • Style of you plugin  (font size and family + color backbround)

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Gonzalo,

This is the view https://prnt.sc/10yowy8 when our plugin is deactivated.

Could you disable our swatches plugin and check is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank you

Hello guys,

Apologies for the delay reply. We are still interested in making the plugin work for us.

We have installed the plugin here: https://feebra.upgservicios.com/product/plain-merino-wool-throw-blanket-gray-cloud/

The problem we need to fix are still the same, appart from the add to bug button that now works.

There is this background around the colors, which we don’t need.
We also need to know if it is possible to style the font.
Also is it possible that when a person enters the page, one of the colors is already selected. Otherwise the add to bad doesn’t work.



Tanvirul Haque

Hi Gonzalo,

Not show main product image when you choose a color

Changing the image on the product single page is not a feature of our plugin, is the feature of WooCommerce itself. Could you disable our swatches plugin and check is it working without our plugin or not?

Style of you plugin  (font size and family + color backbround)

Could you share in detail which elements you want to modify? By the way, our plugin has variation style modification feature https://prnt.sc/11untux

Thank you