Further information
FTP Username: sheepdogtraining
FTP Password: #Q&0jYT&0WVN6HVo
FTP server: http://ftp.sheepdog-training.co.uk
FTP & explicit FTPS port: 21
The pages attached are: https://sheepdog-training.co.uk/product/practical-shepherding-online-chapters/
and this page has an image place holder: https://sheepdog-training.co.uk/product/sheepdog-experience-day/
variation thumbnail issue
nij Vyas
I have products with variations and simply want the variations displayed as a list rather than attached to a thumbnail. Currently, some variations are associated with the placeholder which is the same as the featured product image. I wish to disable this as the variations I provide are a service and not a physical product. I also have the Variation Swatches for Woocommerce plugin and not sure if I require it. I have tried deactivating both but no success. I have also cleared the cache.