Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Stopped working with the Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce plugin

Hello there!

I have been using your plugin for a long time. It worked well until recently.

My store website has a product slider plugin “Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce” and a plugin for beautiful display of product variations “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce”.

How it worked before:

1. The product has 6 images that I can change in the slider.
2. On the product page there are images with a choice of variations. When you click on a variation, the image in the slider changes. When you hover the mouse over the slider image, Zoom is triggered and the image increases.
3. If I change the image in the slider to another (scroll the slider), and then select a variation, the image of the selected variation will be applied.

How it works now:

1. The product has 6 images that I can change in the slider.
2. When you click on a variation, the image in the slider changes. When I hover over the slider image, the Zoom works, but I don’t see the image selected in the variation, but the main product image (always the same).
3. If I change the image in the slider to another (scroll the slider), and then select a variation, the image does not change. I have to clear the variations each time and only then select a new one.

I recorded a short video that shows the problem, please help me solve it correctly: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/VTYGy3puDWepBw

Hakik Zaman

Hi Artem,

Changing images is not a feature of our plugin, is a feature of WooCommerce itself.

Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if it is working without our plugin or not?

Thank you

I unplugged your plug and indeed the error persists… Now I don’t know where to turn. Is the problem with the “Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce” plugin or is it really “WooCommerce”? If I unplug the “Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce” plugin, the visual effects disappear and the error cannot be displayed…

Sorry to bother.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Artem,

Please contact Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce for further guidance.

I hope their support team will help you to resolve the issue.

Thank You