Hi Nikita,
Thanks for reaching out to us.
I have added the correct image selector .wvs-archive-product-image:not(:nth-child(2))
here- https://paste.pics/18a7d1264ead694e846e69acbfbe8444 as per your theme setup.
Now it works from my side. Here is a screencast- https://www.loom.com/share/ebdf3bf4b4e24f1098c78ba89088deb1
Thank You
Product catalog – hover doens’t work on all products (it works with Variation swatches deactivated)
Nikita Standaert
A few days ago, I installed in the customizer that I want to show the next product image when people hover over a product in the catalog.
For some products, it works fine, but for others, it doesn’t. I know I have products with only one image, so that’s normal that it can’t show the next image.
But for others, the ones where cusomers can select a color, it doens’t work.
I asked the developers of the theme I use the same question and they found out that that this issue appears due to two plugins: https://vertis.d.pr/i/cwMK60.
In case the link doesn’t work, it’s “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce” and “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro”.
Once these two plugins are deactivated, the images work as expected on the product archive page.
The link to my shop page is: https://www.woofit.be/shop/
They advised me to use an other variation swatches plugin, but I really want to keep on using these ones.
Can you please solve this?
Thank you in advance, best regards, Nikita Standaert