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Direct link from variation in archive page to product details page

Admin Ritika


How to enable direct links from product variations in the archive page to the product details page?

In other words, when clicking on a product variation in the archive page, the user should be taken directly to the details page with the variation color automatically selected.

Please advise.


Admin Ritika


Thank you for your reply.

It works only when the user clicks on the variation swatch. Clicking on the image does not take directly to the variation selected. Is it possible to do it on image click ?


Hakik Zaman

Hi Admin,

Clicking on the image does not take directly to the variation selected. Is it possible to do it on image click ?

Unfortunately, the feature is not currently available..

Please send the feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

and ask your other to upvote it.

Thank You