Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Revert a single product attribute to a dropdown, not globally

Richard Moore

Hi there.  I found one article, but…the article says that they resolved the issues through live support.  So here I am.

I have a product that I want a dropdown for, but it is only for this product, so I don’t want to change global properties.  So far all is going well with the other products.

Can you point out how to get the dropdown for the individual product only?

Thank you.

(Also, I want to set myself back up on subscription, at one point I thought I was going to go to Shopify and I didn’t.  When I hit “Resubscribe”, it adds to cart instead of just resubscribing)


Golam Kibria

Hi Richard,

I hope that you are doing great.

You should be able to do this with our plugin settings.

Please try this.

Let me know if this helps resolve the issue.

When I hit “Resubscribe”, it adds to cart instead of just resubscribing)

Unfortunately, this is how it works.

Please continue with the process or purchase a new license.

Thank You

Richard Moore

This was not helpful at all.  You sent me a link to an art site?  Please explain.


On the second point of resubscribe, I will put it in my calendar to make sure I renew properly.



Richard Moore

Please wait to respond.  I was confused.  You cannot see the download until you accept terms of service.  I will take the steps and let you know.  Thanks.

Richard Moore

So, attached is a picture of my settings. I do want to note that the second line (Dropdowns to image) always revertst back to Yes.  I don’t know if it is my overall settings or not.  But the radio buttons remain.

Golam Kibria

Hi Richard,

I am sorry for the confusion.

It is a third-party service and the UI seems to confuse people.

Please give us temporary admin access to your site. We will investigate the issue for you.

You can create a passwordless temporary login link with this plugin.
Add the link in the Site Access section.

Please notify us here once you have added the temporary login link.

Most importantly, please don’t forget to share the product page link here.

Thank You

Richard Moore

No worries on the confusion.  I had to laugh at myself because I previously read your reviews and you guys do good work.  All it took was for me to accept their terms and that was it.

Details added.




Golam Kibria

Hi Richard,

Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

You could not save the settings due to this console error.

We have found that temporarily deactivating Duplicate Variations for WooCommerce eliminates the console error.

I have updated the settings and you have this output now.

Note: you can access the Site Access section after clicking edit here.

If you found my support helpful, please share your valuable feedback here,

Your rating keeps us inspired 😍️

If you have more questions or confusion, please let us know.

Thank You

Richard Moore

Thank you so much.  I have already submitted a review (5 stars of course).

I want to point out that the duplicating plugin caused me a lot of problems (not just the one that you pointed out).

This morning, I tried to work on products.  I could not do anything.  Could not edit the description, could not add/change pictures.  I tried in 3 browsers.

I disabled and deleted the plugin.  All is good now.

Thanks for the help!

Golam Kibria

Hi Richard,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

We have tried to investigate the issue on our end but it worked fine.

I think it was conflicting with one of your active plugins.

Anyway, I am glad that you are all set.

Thanks a lot & have a great day