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Issue with oos variants

Natasha Sabin

website hiplok.com

Paid user but can’t find licence key or access account as I’m new to role and predecessor didn’t save it. Can you please help me regain access in addition to fixing this issue:

when there’s an OOS variation:
1) you select OOS variant
2) click add to basket
3) modal window pops up stating can’t add
4) close window
5) can no longer select other variants.

We would expect that after you close the window at step 4, you can go on to select other colours and add to basket.

video of issue: https://app.screencast.com/CTrGHPfJobKXp

Can you please fix.


Hakik Zaman

Hi Natasha,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Do you have an area-wise restriction on your site? I have tried to visit your site and it is not responding.

If so, here is my IP address:

Also, make sure your given credentials are working.

Hope to hear from you soon!