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Border Color for Selected State

Noman Ahmad


We setup your extension variation swatches on our woocommerce store. I setup the attributes “size” as buttons. I’d like to have the border of the button change to “yellow” in the selected state. OR add the checkmark on the button. I can’t seem to be able to update the border color or see the selected checkmark. We are on the free version of the plugin.

Please let me know how to do that.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Noman,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

I can’t seem to be able to update the border color or see the selected checkmark. We are on the free version of the plugin.

Selected Checkmark: It will be visible over an image or color variation. It will not be displayed over the button with text.

Update the border color: It is our premium/pro feature. To change the border/text color, size, and background color, you have to install and activate the premium/pro version of the plugin.

I hope this message will clarify your confusion.

Thank You