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Variation Swatches hidden

Dakota Kidd

I have a lot of Variation Swatches
When selecting 1 in Variation A
1 in Variation B is optional, 23 needs to be hidden
What should I do?

Hakik Zaman

Hi Dakota,

Unfortunately, the feature is not currently available.

​But it’s a great idea. Please send the feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

and ask your other to upvote it.


Dakota Kidd

This function is very necessary
Because when I have a lot of customized products
Users will have more availability

Hakik Zaman

Hi Dakota,

You are trying to add a dependent dropdown field.

Unfortunately, it is not the purpose of our plugin.

You can try any `Product Addons for WooCommerce plugin` to achieve your goal.

Also, send your feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/

It will help our Research team to think about this.

Thank You