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Error establishing a database connection

walid el filali


The pro version of the variation swatches plugin is causing an issue whenever I activate it.

Error : Error establishing a database connection

I’m sure that this plugin is causing the issue, because I deactivated all plugins and tried to reactive them one by one.

Please can you advise what might be causing this problem, and how to solve it. I really like the plugin and wish I can continu using it.


Hakik Zaman

Hi walid,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

Your server is unable to take requests of API (based on the number of variations you have for each product). It affects your bandwidth and you get the message: Error establishing a database connection

Can you please share how manu approximate variations do you have with each product?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank You

walid el filali


Sorry for my late reply.

I have product with 7 variations max, other with 5 or 6.

Is this number of variation can cause this error ? What’s the required numbers of variation then ?


Hakik Zaman

Hi walid,

Please increase the value here: https://paste.pics/PP48J

Then flush all the caches like- browser cache, caching plugin cache, and server-side cache

Please let me know whether it fixes your issue or not.

Thank You

walid el filali

Looks like it’s working for now, thank you very much for your help.