Hi Kid,
Please try adding the following CSS to the customizer:
.single .variations tr {
display: flex;
Let me know if this helps resolve the issue.
Thank You
Hi Kid,
Please try adding the following CSS to the customizer:
.single .variations tr {
display: flex;
Let me know if this helps resolve the issue.
Thank You
Yes, thanks! Great support!
Hi Kid,
We really get excited & honored when you use our plugin on your site.
If you found my support helpful, could you leave your valuable review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woo-variation-swatches/reviews/?filter=5
Your rating keeps us inspired.
Is there anything else we can do for you?
Thank You
Variations and swatches not inline
Kid poort
I can get my variations and swatches to show inline. The label is now on top, I’d like it left of swatches!