Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

Additional Variation Gallery doesn’t work with Jetproductgallery widget of jetwoobuilder(crocoblock)

sabbir ahasan

I am using your plugin and the jetwoobuilder from crocoblock to create single product template..however the jetproduct gallery widget doesn’t pull the variation images set from your plugin.. I can see a lot of people is having the same issue..is there any solution for this?


Hakik Zaman

Hi sabbir,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, you can’t use two separate gallery scripts for the same site.

You have to use either the Additional Variation Images Gallery plugin or JetProduct Gallery.

Note: Our gallery plugin is an extension of the default WooCommerce gallery. It will not work with other gallery scripts. Because there are several themes/plugins with different gallery structures. It is not possible to make it compatible with each. That’s why we extended the default WooCommerce Gallery.

If you use the Elementor Product Gallery widget, it will work fine.

Thank You

sabbir ahasan

I guess more than 50% of your subscribers are using crocoblock..so consider making any solution for us

Hakik Zaman

Hi sabbir,

As I said before the scripts are totally different. They use their own script for their gallery (JetProduct Gallery) plugin. They extended the WooCommerce Gallery in their own way and we extended it in our way.

Please send the feature request here: https://storepress.fider.io/
and ask your other to upvote it.

Thank You