Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

I am using the WebD Woocommerce Product Excel Importer & Bulk Editing Pro Plugin to import the variable product image gallery.

Everything is fine, only when adding the images from the image gallery of the different variables using the import tool WebD WebD Woocommerce Product Excel Importer & Bulk Editing Pro these are not shown in the edition of the product variables. Can you give me any indication about it?



Pasqual Sanjuan

Golam Kibria

Hi Pascual,

We are not quite familiar with the WebD Woocommerce Product Excel Importer & Bulk Editing Pro plugin.

I think they should be able to give you the best direction on this.

BTW, our plugin doesn’t have any official support for 3rd party export/import plugins.

We only have support for the default export/import of WooCommerce.

Thank You