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Variation Swatches Pro is creating atributes and is creating them from erased atributes

Variation Swatches Pro is creating atributes and is creating them from erased atributes, I already erased atributes and create them again because we need to put size and color, but at the moment of creating variations it create us the combinations of eliminated atributes and the new ones that we created.

Blue atribute selected is the one we erased and its appearing again, we dont need it.

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-05 at 19.04.51.jpeg

Hakik Zaman

Hi Patricio,

Thanks for reaching out to us. The creation or deletion of attributes is not a feature of our plugin, is a feature of WooCommerce itself.

Could you disable our Swatches plugin and check if is it working without our plugin or not?

Thank You

Hello, I will try it in some hours, can you help me check when we make the changes, because when we add product with excel sheet, with attributes, it loads right, but then it changes name products, atributes, and categories. We are Mexico right now is 1:14 a-m we are going to do it like 9 a.m

Hello, we have already disable your plugin and it it making the same error. It must be something with Woocommerce.

We already clean database with optimize database after deleting revisions and still its happening.

Hakik Zaman

Hi Patricio,

Please make sure whether you have any third-party integration with a physical shop/any other source.

It any rewrite or erase your product entry when it finds the same product on an external source.

Unfortunately, this is the best I can suggest.

Thank You