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Deenqueue Scripts for Archive Variation Swatches

Luke Finsaas

Hi folks,

We’d like to simply display the variations swatches on our Store Archive page without any interactions — no attachment images, no add to cart. Just a raw output.

I’ve hidden the functionality via CSS (pointer-events) but I’d like to remove the JSON and any extra code beyond just getting the swatches. Or at least minimize as much as possible. As you can see in our waterfall, those little swatches are really killing us. (Images need some help, too — working on training the client on how to upload images…)

Let me know if there’s a snippet or filter we can throw in our child theme, or a setting in the plugin itself.


Luke Finsaas

Golam Kibria

Hi Luke,

We are sorry but it is not possible at this moment.

As you want to display the swatches (without any interactivity) dequeuing the scripts is not possible.

Removing the wrapper and the classes should have significantly improved the loading issue.

Thank You