Hi Flurina,
Thanks for reaching out to us. Please add the below snippet using the Code Snippets plugin.
Keep the following code inside your current active theme’s functions.php file-
add_filter( 'woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max', 'woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max_edit', 10, 2 );
function woo_variation_swatches_global_ajax_variation_threshold_max_edit( $size, $product ){
return 1200;
Then let me know if it resolves your issue or not. Hope to hear from you soon!
Thank You
Disabled Attribute “blur with cross” no longer works for certain products
Flurina Vitali
Disabled Attribute “blur with cross” no longer works for certain products:
Here it works: https://portami.ch/produkt/filzmuster-spezialfilz-dicht-2-10mm-2/
Not here: https://portami.ch/produkt/designfilz-2-10-mm-2/
unfortunately we can’t find out why it works for one product and not for others.
We are waiting for your answer.
Thank you and best regards