Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation For Free? Download Now

Single Variation Image Preview – load all images


I want to load all variation images upon setting “Show single attribute variation image based on first attribute select on product page.”

Additional variation images are stored by WooCommerce Additional Variation Images by WooCommerce


Could you help me?


Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching us.

Please check this screen recording Show a single attribute variation image based on the first attribute selected on the product page –


Let me know if I missed anything. I will happy to assist.

Thank you.

Hello Rezwan,

thanks for your reply. All images changes because u have selected second attribute aswell. If you deselect size only one image will change. We want customer to see all colors, then select the size. Now there is not available product with size XS, colors Black (Black od blurred).

Rezwan Shiblu


 All images changes because u have selected second attribute aswell.

No. I did not select the second attribute as well. Please check my previous screen recording again.



what i meant is that on that product is set default size attribute: XS, thats why all the images are changing, here is prtsc from your video:

If we turn off default size as in picture:

With this set up this will be the problem:



The thing is customers mistakenly purchase products not changing the size they want, thats why we have a lot of returns. We don’t want the default size to be set. We want Customers to firstly check available colours, then choose size they want (if its available).

In addition in the setting we have now, when you have preselected size (for example XS), u can’t check the colors that are unavailable for this size. We can’t allow to that. There are products that do have a lot of variations and are for sale. For example we have only color black in XL. It’s almost impossible for customer to check that color if he won’t turn off default size.


I hope you understand me now.


Thanks in advance.

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi Justyna,

Thanks for sharing the details.

I have checked your site and noticed this issue – https://www.loom.com/share/117484c4ecec4fa3889388401d68cbb8

1. Could you enable the default theme of WooCommerce, Storefront, and check if it is happening there or not?

2. Ans kindly do a plugin compatibility check by doing these steps to identify the error :

=> Deactivate all of your additional plugins except WooCommerce and WooCommerce Variation Swatches Plugin.

=> See if the problem persists. If the issue is resolved, you can tell which plugin might be the culprit of this error by activating your additional plugins one by one.

Let me know once you have done the above steps.


Rezwan Shiblu

Hi Justyna,

I have checked your screen recording.

Please confirm if you did check Theme & Plugin compatibility which I mentioned in my previous response.

However, Image changing is not a feature of our swatches plugin, it’s a feature of the WooCommerce plugin. Our plugin converts the default woocommerce variation dropdown to beautiful color, image, button, and radio swatches.

So please deactivate our swatches plugin and see again if the issue happening or not.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.


i did a compability check, nothing changed when checking.

However, Image changing is not a feature of our swatches plugin, it’s a feature of the WooCommerce plugin.

Im sorry, but that’s not true. In your plugin there’s a feature called

Variation Image Preview

Variation Image Preview Show single attribute variation image based on first attribute select on product page.

When checking it, the image is loaded as I wrote before. As i mentioned before, I want all the images to load, not only featured image of a variation. That’s the only reason i bought your plugin, and if it’s not going to work properly, im going to demand a refund for the plugin.

Check the video below and see that’s your plugin, that loads that image. Woocommerce loads all images only when both attributes are checked, not only one.



Can’t wait for your response,


Rezwan Shiblu

Hi Justyna,

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yes, it’s our plugin feature ( Show single attribute variation image based on the first attribute selected on the product page)

First of all, you should enable this from settings –  https://prnt.sc/1uS54J2kEHai

However, I have detected a conflict issue regarding your woocommerce additional variation image plugin. I have attached 2 screenshot links for better understanding –

It’s (https://prnt.sc/ZmdaqnHWajn6 ) a error because woocommerce additional variation image not providing enough data. It should be – https://prnt.sc/lp_bz3fAHS__

In that case please contact your woocommerce additional variation image plugin author.

And for working this(Show single attribute variation image based on first attribute select on the product page) feature you should use default woocommerce layout as you used fusion builder.
Because Our variation plugin works on the default woocommerce gallery.

Hopefully, you got a clear idea.

Thank you.

I tried default woocommerce layout, it still happens.

woocommerce additional variation image not providing enough data

Yes, because it’s not given the second attribute.


Guess i have to demand a refund, the plugin does not what it supposed to and you’re doing all you can not to fix it. That’s not what premium support should look like. When there was a problem with wpclever paid plugin they fixed it within 1 day.

Woocommerce additional variation image plugin is official woocommerce plugin, not third party plugin.

Are you going to help or do what are you doing since few days?

Rezwan Shiblu

Hi Justyna,

This issue was caused not for our plugin. Please try to understand the point.

Issues arise from your WooCommerce Additional Variation Image plugin and fusion builder. For this single attribute variation image based on the first attribute select on product page feature is not working on your site.

For fixing this issue I have 2 solutions for you –

1. You should contact with your plugin author and fusion builder support team for fixing their error and compatibility.


2. You can deactivate your additional variation image plugin and avoid fusion builder from the product page.

Hopefully, you got a clear idea regarding your 2 issues.

After all, if you request a refund we will process it as we offer 30 days money-back guarantee. 30 days will count from purchase time.

Let me know your opinion. I will happy to assist.

Thank you for your understanding.