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Change the title


I would like to know if it’s possible to change the name of the button.

On the archive page, the name of the button is “Choix des options” and I would like to rename by ” En savoir plus”.

(the url of my website for example : https://abbymaud.com/vetements/)

Where could I change it? or need I to add some CSS code on my theme.

Thank you so much for your help.


Golam Kibria


Is this what you want?

I have added a snippet to your site titled as “Change the title-ticket-112152“.

You will find the snippet on the Code Snippets plugin.

Please check and confirm.

Thank You

Thank you for the snippet css.

But I have a second question.

Could it possible to delete this option? Because when you click on the title and the size, you are redirected to the product page. So the button “En savoir plus” is not necessary. But if I let the title blank. I will have a big space between the price and the size.

Do you think it possible?

Thank you for your help.


Golam Kibria


You can do something like this.

The Add To Cart button from single product pages will also be removed.

Will this be okay for you?

Thank You



Thank you for your answer.

I need to keep the Add to cart button from single product.

So do nothing please.

Thank you again for your help.

Have a nice day.