Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin

image flipbox not working anymore

Larissa Tops

Hi GetWooPlugins,

Since 2-3 days I am encountering an issue with my website.

I am using your plugin together with a Show Single Variation plugin on the Avada theme. Therefor my individual variations are displayed on the archive page. Per variation I added several extra images.

Previous on my website on the archive pages when hovering over the product images it showed the secundaire variation image. However since a short period of time this is not working anymore.

Is this a setting in your plugin, or do you know how this is possible?


Thanks in advance.





Hakik Zaman

Hi Larissa,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, we have no codebase for the shop/archive page.

Our plugin works on a single product page. It may be your theme functions, we have no feature as you explained.

BTW, you are using a very older version of the Additional Variation Images Gallery Pro version.

Thank You