Want To Add Extra Images Per Product Variation? Download This Free Plugin


I’m currently building a very customized site with Astra Pro, Toolset, Elementor Pro.
I tried the free version it’s ok and I’m interested in the PRO version but only if a couple of features are possible:

Hook into a custom archive / shop page so we can show the variations on the shop page directly (I know it’s a feature of the pro plugin, but since I’m using a custom archive built with Toolset it’s not as straight forward).

Any way to show all variations without having to select them for price/sku etc to appear? There are other plugins out there, like variations to tables and variations to grids, but they are clunkier than this one.

For now, this is pretty much it.
Thank you!
Hope to hear from you soon.

Golam Kibria

Hi Ignacio,

We have a shortcode to show the swatches in custom archive loops. Here is the shortcode: [wvs_show_archive_variation]

Any way to show all variations without having to select them for price/SKU etc to appear?

We don’t have any custom option for this. Everything is WooCommerce default. If the free version does not do that, the PRO has nothing more to offer.

If you have more questions, please let us know.

Thank You