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Update of Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Plugin causes problems

Hi there

Since I updated the plugin, the store and the product page no longer work. In addition, no ring sizes should be displayed on the store page.

I would like to reinstall a previous version of the plugin. Is that possible? Where can I find an “old” version?

Thanks for your help


Hakik Zaman

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for reaching out to us. You are using a very older version of the Swatches Pro plugin.

Could you update your free and premium version of the WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin?

The current version of swatches plugins is the following.

Variation Swatches for WoooCoommerce – Version 1.1.19

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro – Version 1.1.18

Please make sure you are using the same version and let me know your reported issue has been fixed or not in this latest update?

Thank You