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Search by Variation Swatch?

Hello, I am working on improvements of my client’s online store (https://auburndirect.com) and we were wondering if it is possible at all to search by Variation Swatch? For instance, say we have an attribute pattern which is called “Laguna Brava” to use one of many examples, would there be a way to set up the store so that a shopper might be able to see a list of all variations and their matching images, and once then clicked on it, it would lead them to search results featuring all matching products that have that same variation / swatch?

This may be better done via another plugin, I’m not sure, however whatever the case may be, we’d love to know what’s possible with your plugin and what exists out there that could increase its function to make shopping by pattern / color more user-friendly for our customers.

Thank you!

Tanvirul Haque

Hi Tina,

Unfortunately, search by swatches is not a feature of our plugin.

​By the way, have you tried wooCommerce default attribute filter, it may help you.
