Hi Christian,
Thanks for reaching out to us. Could you please confirm you have enabled this option?
I want to show the swatches on the archive and my product slider on my homepage
Display swatch on your slider depending on your code structure. If you code it yourself please put the below code inside your shop product loop and if it is coming from your theme please give the theme dev team to add it for you-
<?php do_action('wvs_pro_variation_show_archive_variation'); ?>
Hope to hear from you soon!
Thank You
Swatches on Archive
Christian Vollmer
I want to show the swatches on the archive and my product slider on my homepage, but the swatches shouldn’t interact. They just have to show the available sizes and the archive should be the same spacing just like now. Could you please assist me?
My Website is: www.deadstockplug.ch
Kind Regards
Christian Vollmer