Hello Rabie Darii,
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Your given login credential is not working https://prnt.sc/20y31dk could you please fix this?
Have you filled this? https://getwooplugins.com/documentation/woocommerce-variation-swatches/#how-to-change-variation-image-gallery-selecting-single-attribute-like-amazon-and-aliexpress
Problem displaying the variant as amazon as described the plugin
Rabie Darii
I have a problem with variation swatches for woocommerce. You said it’s giving the same result as amazon variations. the video you explaining dated in 2018 and the dashboard is different. I am not able to get amazon result. if your plugin doesn’t give the same result as you described, better to refund me. if you have any tutorial explain how to get similar result as amazon please send me the link. I want my images to be displayed when I hover on them as they are displayed on amazon